A concise guide to gRPC for beginners

3 min readMar 25, 2021


A series of simple, beginner friendly tutorials that explain the what, why and how of gRPC.

Getting started — Understanding RPC

What is RPC?

  • RPC aka Remote Procedure Calls — are just like functions.
  • These functions are executed on some remote system and hence the name.
  • It follows a request — response model.
  • A request is initiated from the client — this request is a function call with certain parameters and then, the server returns a response.
  • Real world application — to construct distributed, scalable, client — server based applications.


  • gRPC is a technology to implement RPC APIs.
  • Can write servers and clients using different programming languages — a client written using Python can interact with a server written in Golang.
  • By default gRPC uses protocol buffers as the interface definition language (IDL) to define the RPC services and the structure of the payload messages

Further reading — gRPC Documentation

Understanding protocol buffers and .proto files

What is protobuf?

  • Protocol buffers are a way to serialize structured data in an efficient manner.
  • It uses the method of binary serialization, which is faster than text based serialization methods like JSON.
  • The protobuf specification can be implemented in various programming languages.

What is a .proto file

A .proto file will contain the necessary definitions to see the protocol buffers in action.
A file with .proto extension will contain the definitions of messages and services. The services are analogous to procedures/functions and the messages are analogous to the data types of the parameters that can be passed to these functions.

syntax = "proto3";message UrlRequest{
string req = 1;
message UrlResponse{
int res = 1;
service Url{
rpc CallUrl(UrlRequest) returns (UrlResponse){}

In the above example, the first line of the file specifies that you’re using proto3 syntax, CallUrl is a service, UrlRequest and UrlResponse are the message definitions. We can see that the CallUrl acts as a function with input parameter as UrlRequest and output as UrlResponse. The message definitions can have fields within them. Each field has a name and a type. Here we have a req field which has the data type string in UrlRequest and res is a field whose data type is int in UrlResponse.

Important step — Compiling a .proto file

  • This generates helper code to implement the server and client code in the programming language of your choice.
  • The generated code also handles the parsing of structured data as the data is serialised into a binary format which can be transferred more efficiently as compared to text based serialisation methods like JSON, XML.

Further ReadingLanguage Guide (proto3)

Let’s Code — Basic Workflow

  • Define the protocol — Write a .proto file.
  • Define messages with respective fields.
  • Define RPC service procedures with their respective parameters and return types. There can be 4 types of RPC procedures: simple RPC, server-side streaming RPC, client-side streaming RPC, bidirectional streaming RPC.
  • Compile .proto file — generates protobuf related code for binary serialization of data; also generates client and server stubs.
  • Write Server and Client code using language of your choice with the help of the generated stubs — gPRC currently supports the following languages — C# | C++ | Dart | Go | Java | Kotlin | Node | Objective-C | PHP | Python | Ruby .
  • Compile and run the final application.




Written by Penthaa

Infosec | Gopher | CSE Grad from IIIT-Bh | Find me on — GitHub - github.com/penthaapatel | Website — penthaapatel.github.io

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